Great Mac OSX Freeware – Browsers – Which Browser?

Users will – all too often – come upon a site which performs poorly (or not at all) in their default browser. The simplest workaround is to access the site using another browser. But which browser?

This post introduces two solid, alternative browsers to Safari: for use either in addition to, or instead of, the OSX Safari default.


Feature list:

  • built-in security: users can open either an incognito tab or a TOR tab
  • built-in privacy ad-blocker


Feature list:

  • currently fastest Mac browser
  • huge extension library

NB: users should remember that Google will mine all of their activity using Chrome.

Safari is still OK…

Feature List:

  • tightly integrated with OSX (including keychain passwords & texted passcodes)
  • solid security & performance

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