Great Mac OSX Freeware – OSes – ReactOS is still alive!

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Some time ago I wrote about the innovative ReactOS project which was building an open-source OS binary-compatible with Microsoft Windows OS.

In that post I expressed skepticism about ReactOS’s longevity: so it was much to my surprise to discover that not only is ReactOS still around: but is alive and kicking!

So what’s new with ReactOS? If anything?

The bad news

Let’s get the bad news over with first: ReactOS is still in alpha: meaning that test-installations are available for download by developers for evaluation and testing purposes. Oh well.

The not-so-bad news

The much better news is that while ReactOS is still “features-incomplete” (a delightful euphemism), quite a few windows applications can actually run on it (apparently). So: plenty of opportunities for the bold early-adopters, then. (Probably back up your HDD first, though!)


As noted in my original post: progress on the ReactOS continues at a snail’s pace: hampered by the fact that all the developers are unpaid volunteers devoting their occasional spare hours to the project.

Indeed, until and unless a serious sponsor takes ReactOS under its wing: my hopes are rather less than sanguine  that ReactOS will become anything other than a “hobby OS” for enthusiasts and idealists.

Want to know more?

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